Preferred Urgent Care Explain Allergies & Its Causes

The environment has changed over the years. Although a few years back, the change was gradual. Now the change in climate and surroundings has been drastic, causing problems for all living beings. Pollution is on the rise, and allergy is one such effect of this ever-rising pollution.

An allergy occurs when your body reacts to the different substances in the environment that are harmless to most of the others. The substances that are proven to cause allergies are known as allergens and are abundantly found in dust mites, pollen, pets, insects, molds, food and in some medicines too.

How Allergy Occurs?

Allergies occur when your immune system comes in contact and reacts to a foreign substance that does not affect most of the others. The allergen might be in the form of bee venom, pollen, pet dander, or even some food. Now when you are exposed to the foreign substance, the reaction of allergens with your immune system can cause inflammation of the sinuses, skin, the respiratory, or the digestive system.

The immune system needs time to identify the foreign substance, so the effects of allergens might not be immediate in some cases. Once it becomes sensitive to the allergen, antibodies are produced to attack the foreign material. This process is known as sensitization. Allergies might be seasonal too. The most common instance is hay fever that occurs between April and May due to the higher pollen count during this period.

The allergens trigger the production of antibodies termed as immunoglobin. Contact allergies are allergic reactions that are caused due to the touching of an allergic substance. Generally, the adults do not lose their allergies, but the children might outgrow them. Some are born with genetic predisposition allergies, and often, the symptoms are not prominent until they grow into adulthood. In such cases, you need to consult allergic services. Allergy treatment in Katy is available, and you get the best possible treatment.

Symptoms of Allergies

The most obvious sign of an allergic reaction is irritation and inflammation. The types of allergens define the symptoms. Allergic reactions or liaisons might occur in the skin, gut, eyes, sinuses, respiratory system, or nasal tracts. Often the allergic symptoms might be confused with other conditions as the symptoms of fever and common cold might be similar, but factors are different.

The common symptoms that are triggered by various allergens are listed.

#1: Pollen and Dust

The symptoms of allergies that pollen and dust cause are

  • Itchy eyes and nose
  • Blocked nose
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Watery and swollen eyes

#2: Skin Reactions

The skin reactions caused by allergies are

  • Itching
  • Rashes
  • Peeling
  • Flaking

#3: Food

Certain food may cause allergic reactions like

  • Swollen tongue
  • Vomiting
  • Tingling in the mouth
  • Stomach cramps
  • Shortness of breath
  • Itching in the mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Swelling of lips, face, and throat

#4: Stings of Insect

When exposed to insects, you may experience

  • Swelling of the site of the sting
  • Wheezing
  • Itchy skin
  • Dizziness
  • Cough
  • Chest tightness
  • Possible anaphylaxis
  • Hives or red and itchy rash all over the body

#5: Medication

At times, you may be allergic to certain medicines. The reactions include

  • Swollen tongue, lips or face
  • Itchiness
  • Skin rashes
  • Possible anaphylaxis
  • Wheezing

Diagnosis and Treatment

The doctor might ask you about the symptoms in detail. The frequency of the symptoms is important as similar ailments might have identical symptoms. Precaution is essential, although it might not be possible to avoid allergens altogether. The family history of allergies might be examined for proper diagnosis as some allergies might be genetic too.

Allergy and ENT clinic in Katy can deal with the allergy tests that the doctor might prescribe.

#1: Blood Test

The blood test is performed to determine the level of IgE antibodies released by the immune system and is also termed as a radioallergosorbent test. (RAST)

#2: Skin Prick Test

Also known as puncture or prick test is performed by pricking the skin with a small amount of possible allergen. If the skin reacts, the presence of allergen is confirmed.

#3: Patch Test

This test is done to identify eczema. Special metal discs with a minute amount of suspected allergens are taped on the back of the individual and checked for skin reaction after a couple of days.

Preferred Urgent Care

At Preferred Urgent Care in Katy, we have been committed to delivering outstanding allergy services at an affordable cost. We are open every day, and we know the medical emergencies require utmost care and support. With zero wait time and availability of state-of-art facilities, you can be assured of the best available treatment. Our pool of highly trained medical providers can guide you with the correct procedure for treating allergies and anaphylaxis.

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