According to the urgent care in Katy, TX, more and more adults are arriving in the urgent care with symptoms they can’t explain. They are quickly diagnosed with allergy attacks, but this leaves them confused because they have never had any problems with allergies before in their life.
Does this sound familiar and frustrating? If you have been left searching “urgent care near me” in a panic because you’ve suddenly broken out in a rash and found your throat swelling shut, then perhaps you have developed adult onset allergies.
Aren’t Allergies Genetic?
This is a common question that adults ask when they learn that they are having allergic reactions. The truth is that the answer is yes… and no.
While it is true that you have a genetic predisposition to have certain allergies because your parents and grandparents did, you don’t always share them with your parents. Likewise, it is not necessarily the case that you will keep the same allergies you were born with – in fact, it is entirely normal to lose childhood allergies or gain new ones as adults.
The truth is that the more you are exposed to certain allergens as a child, the less likely you are to develop an allergy to those things as an adult. So, while genetics can definitely be a predictor of allergies, so can exposure.
This also pertains to moving. Often, people grow accustomed to the allergens in their area and develop a tolerance. If you have recently moved to a new state or region, then you are exposing yourself to new allergens that you did not grow up around, which may cause reactions.
If you have noticed an increase in random allergy attacks, analyze your situation. Ask yourself what has changed in your pattern lately. Did you move into a different part of town, an older apartment, get some secondhand furniture, or change your diet? Any one of these could result in allergy attacks if you are introducing a new allergen to your system. Sometimes even the smallest and most seemingly insignificant changes can be the cause of all our allergic problems.
Environmental Changes
There’s a reason that people dread pollen season. For adults who have lived with allergies their entire life, there are tons of different medications and chances are, they have tried them all. If you are not used to seasonal allergies, count yourself lucky to have lived so long without them and get ready for the insane fog the rest of the world has lived through for so long.
More and more adults are developing what seems to them to be sudden allergies to pollen and environmental stimulants and irritants. They wonder why they have suddenly become allergic. While it may be that they have developed allergies to tree pollen as an adult, it may also be the environmental changes.
This spring, the weather scientists created a new term: pollen vortex. The pollen count has elevated so high that it required its own terminology, so if you are having bad allergies this season it may not be new; it may simply be that the pollen counts have reached the point where even you are unable to handle it.
Decreased Tolerance
It is often the case that you have carried passive allergies your entire life. Many doctors, like the ones in the urgent care in the 77493 zip code, have had to explain to their patients that your body regularly stops tolerating allergens that it has been fighting naturally for years.
Essentially, you have always been allergic to these things, but they have finally worn your body down to the point where it stops fighting them. This can happen with any type of allergen, whether it is seasonal, environmental, or dietary.
How to Handle Allergic Reactions
There are several ways to handle allergic reactions. For starters, learn to recognize the changes. Note when they happen and see if you can detect a pattern around the attacks; this may help isolate the change that is causing the reaction.
There are also several drugs available over the counter to combat attacks. Most of them take a few weeks to settle into your system, so give them time to begin their work. In the meantime, Benadryl is a quick and effective antihistamine that can stop a reaction in its tracks; keep some with you in case you start sneezing or getting itchy eyes and rashes. Epipens are helpful if your reactions are very severe and include swollen throats and an inability to breathe. They are immediate.
If attacks continue for prolonged periods of time or begin to increase in severity, then talk to your doctor. You may get referred to an allergy specialist to help treat your problem. For violent reactions, seek help immediately from a Katy urgent care center.