While exercise is important, dealing with asthma can be a challenge. Activities must be found that do not trigger symptoms of asthma. Seasonal allergies can also be difficult to deal with, but Preferred Urgent Care is here to help by providing you with tips on how to be in control of your fitness routine and overcome allergies and asthma.
Exercising With Asthma
Asthma has the potential to be debilitating, but there are treatments that are designed to help overcome symptoms of asthma. By keeping your asthma controlled, you can do all the activities that you love without issues – including exercise. Your doctor should provide you with preventative mediation that helps reduce asthma symptoms you may experience. You should also keep a rescue inhaler on hand just in case there is an emergency or symptoms flare up.
Some exercises are better for asthma than others. Cardio tends to be fine when it is done in short bursts. Sports like baseball, wrestling, and volleyball are also good sports for individuals who have asthma. Sports that take place in cold weather may trigger symptoms or asthma, so be careful playing ice hockey or figure skating.
Exercising With Allergies
Allergies are different from dealing with asthma, but they can still have an impact on your exercise. Use preventative methods to keep your allergies under control. Nasal sprays and antihistamines are often recommended. When working out, consider your allergies and try to work out when fewer symptoms are experienced. Symptoms tend to lessen after it has rained or when the weather is cold. If it’s windy or dry out, you should consider moving your workout indoors to avoid allergy symptoms.
If you have allergies or asthma and would like to learn more about how to keep it under control, contact a professional at Preferred Urgent Care to get more information about your overall health and dealing with symptoms of allergies and asthma. You can come in at any time, even when it is an emergency, to find health professionals that can provide relief from aches, pains, and symptoms of chronic diseases and allergies.