What Parents Should Know About COVID-19 for Kids

Many parents wonder whether their children should get tested for covid-19, especially now that they are less likely to get severe disease symptoms

Since respiratory illnesses all exhibit similar symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, fever, and more, it can be challenging to tell the exact infection your child has. However, experts advise that it’s crucial to know to maintain safety at home, workplaces, and sports. You should also take your child for covid-19 testing near you to be sure.

When you get your child tested for covid-19, you’re sure he’s safe to go back to school or go to quarantine. Testing also brings ease to the parent’s mind. Parents are relieved if the results come as negative, or if positive, proper guidelines are provided to prevent further spreading of the disease.

Here are a few things children should know about Covid-19:

Children and Teens Aren’t Immune to COVID-19

Yes, there are fewer cases of covid-19 among children than in adults, but kids can also get infected. They are also capable of spreading it to others if not well contained. Also, children with the virus and who show no symptoms can still spread the disease to others.

Note that most children will either have mild to no symptoms for covid-19. Still, some children get severely ill from the disease and therefore need urgent care for kids. Care often constitutes intensive care or ventilators to help the infected breathe.

Currently, the Center for Disease Control has laid investigations on a rare but severe medical disorder in children-related Covid-19 dubbed Multi system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C).It’s cause is not yet clearly known or the highest possible risk group.

Underlying Conditions in Less Than 1-Year Olds Cause Severe Symptoms

Very young children under 1-year-old are likely to have a severe Covid-19 illness. Regardless of their age, children with underlying illnesses may be at high risk of severe illness than other children. These conditions include:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic lung illness
  • Diabetes
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Heart Disease from birth
  • Genetic metabolic conditions
  • Obesity

This is not the complete list of all the underlying conditions that increase the severity of Covid-19 severity.Children’s covid-19 symptoms are similar to coughs, colds, fever, and allergy symptoms. If your young one has a body disorder, discuss the corona virus symptoms in kids with a health care provider near you.

When to Test

There needs to be immediate testing for a child showing corona virus symptoms to check for an active infection. It especially is critical if they have had contact with schoolmates or at workplaces. Those suspected of possible contact are alerted immediately for immediate testing.

We also recommend testing before any surgery. Some states already have mandatory testing SARS-CoV-2 after inter-state or inter-country travel.

Children who do not show signs of Covid-19 but have been closely exposed to the virus should wait up to four days after contact to go for tests. We do not recommend testing for indirect exposure cases – someone who’s been in contact with another child but not the actual child with the infection.

Know the Tests

There are two basic types of Corona virus: to check for a current infection, or a previous infection.

  • Current Infection

To check for the presence of Corona virus, doctors collect a saliva or mucus sample. Results for this test are out on the same day of the test.

Doctors collect the saliva using a swab to take a sample from the nose, throat, inside the cheeks, and along the tongue and gums. They can also give a container for spitting or coughing into.

Testing is available at the doctor’s office or other test stations. Some states even offer drive-thru testing where you remain in your car during testing. Some testing sites also allow personal swabbing using your healthcare provider’s directions. Families can also order some types of testing kits to test at home.

If results are positive, the individual has a covid-19 infection, and if it’s a negative test, there is no corona virus. Yet, results are not always accurate. A second test at the Urgent care near you is recommended.

  • Past Infection

It tests for antibodies, which are made about 2-3 weeks after a positive contact. It doesn’t reveal the individual’s state of infection at the test time. Therefore, it’s a preferred method for diagnosing covid-19.

A blood sample is taken from a vein or fingertip. Results can as well come on the same day or can delay for seven days.

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